Want to get your business more engaged with the Chamber? Share your expertise and make an impact by joining one of our committees! All Member Businesses and their employees are invited and encouraged to participate.
The Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce is governed by our Board of Directors and our Bylaws. Each year the work that we accomplish is greatly done through the work of multiple committees. Led by Chamber Staff and or Board Members, Committee Members offer their time and expertise to help execute the events, programs, and mission of the Chamber.
In January each committee will establish a ‘Capstone Project’ which will support the overall ‘Capstone Project’ of the current Board President. The ‘Capstone Project’ will be executed and fulfilled through the specific projects and work of each committee.
Grove City Emerging Professionals is the GCACC’s avenue for members, employees of members and non-members fitting the ‘under 40’ aged demographic. The GCYP Committee meets monthly and will plan and execute regular activities for the group. Those activities will rotate between Social, Educational and Personal Development and Community Service. The committee will be let by an appointed committee chair who will work directly with the GCACC Staff.

Women Empowered: Leading, Educating and Developing is a very active GCACC Leadership Program. The WE:LEAD Committee is led by an appointed chair and a Chamber Staff liaison.
The team implements multiple events throughout the year including the Annual WE:LEAD Women's Business Forum, several networking events, and other gatherings focused in empowering and networking with fellow women in business.
By meeting monthly, this committee determines program objectives, directions, and plans upcoming events.

The Grove City Chamber Foundation is the charitable arm of the GCACC. Although it functions independently of the Chamber, it works very closely in conjunction with the GCACCC and its mission. Under the direction of its own Board and Board President. The Foundation provides opportunities for members, employees of members and GC students to apply for multiple scholarships throughout the year. The Foundation also plans and executes the Annual Chamber Foundation Fundraiser and other events benefiting the Foundation throughout the year.
Benefits Committee
The Benefits & Development Committee will determine the benefits that we provide for our membership. They will also research opportunities to develop new benefits and will be involved with the maintenance and or improvement of forms and policies as they pertain to membership (ex: new member application; committee reporting forms, etc). The Benefits & Development Committee will meet monthly under the leadership of a chair as assigned by the President Elect or the Executive Director.
Finance Committee
The GCACC Finance Committee is fully appointed by the GCACC Board President and is comprised of identified Board members with financial expertise. The committee is responsible for developing and managing long term investment strategies, maintaining audit compliance, and overseeing budget and monthly financial reporting.
Events Committee
Working closely with the GCACC Events Manager the Events Committee will help plan and execute the major events of the Chamber. Those Events include Annual Meeting, Farmers’ Market, Chamber Open Golf Outing, Arts in the Alley + Community Parade, The Voice of Grove City, and Boo Off Broadway.
(The WE:LEAD Women’s Business Forum and the Foundation Fundraiser are both directed by their respective committees.)
Marketing Committee
The GCACC Marketing Committee meets monthly and is run by an appointed Chair and a liaison from the Chamber office and a representative from the Chamber’s marketing firm. This group reviews all marketing efforts and provides direction for the marketing firm. The Marketing Committee will help create marketing plans for events and the GCACC itself, will review marketing analytics, approve all GCACC brand guidelines and will help create overall GCACC marketing strategies.